Dream Of Fish Out Of Water: Spiritual Meanings & Interpretations

Dream Of Fish Out Of Water

Have you ever had a dream of fish out of water? A particular dream may have seemed bizarre, strange, or confusing to you. But in your dream, you’ve realized there is much more to life than what it looks like. Infinite possibilities are waiting for us every day–we need to be open-minded and ready to expand our horizons and find them.

There are many spiritual meanings of people’s dreams in water–many folktales worldwide teach us about the spiritual value of being outside the water. Dreaming of fish out of the water represents our soul struggling to escape the earth and find its way into the world beyond it.

This blog post will address the spiritual meaning of fish out of water: what it means, how to interpret dreams about fish out of the water, and more. We have grouped some of the most famous legends and myths related to this concept into this article, including an explanation about the fish in a dream.

What Does It Mean When You Dream About Fish Out Of Water?

What Does It Mean When You Dream About Fish Out Of Water?

A fish out of water typically symbolizes someone who is not at home in the world. A fish tries to find its place in the world. It also implies that a person is trying to escape from their old life and begin a new journey as a spiritually free soul living on the earth.

1) Change and Adaptation: 

Dreaming about a fish out of water may represent our efforts to adapt to a new environment. It may mean that we’re undergoing a change in our lives and finding it difficult to grasp the new changes. 

This could also represent the difficulties we experience when adapting to a new way of living.

2) Freedom:

Dreaming about a fish out of water can also represent the desire for freedom from our fears. The fish fears nothing; it can choose and swim in any direction. 

Our feelings of freedom come from our dreams and imagination. A dream of fish out of water could also symbolize our desire to go beyond our fears and ideas and find ways to overcome them.

3) You’re Stranded or Lost:

On the other hand, a fish out of water can also represent someone who’s lost. Their body is in a strange place they don’t know or are unfamiliar with. 

They feel as if they’re stranded and don’t know how to escape from this unfamiliar place. They feel helpless and lost but try their best to find their way out of it.

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4) The Need for Spiritual Growth:

Dreams about fish out of water can also symbolize the need for spiritual growth. Our souls feel stuck on the earth; we have ideals and goals that are hard to follow, which causes us to feel trapped in our old ways of thinking and living. 

Our souls need to find ways to expand and discover new possibilities that exist in the world.

5) Anxiety or fear:

Dreams about a fish out of water can symbolize fear, anxiety, or worry. If we’re stuck in a situation where we’re struggling to get free or feel trapped in the world, it could be because of our anxiety over our concerns and problems. 

To dream about being a fish out of water could mean that something is holding us back from reaching an achievement we want.

Dream of a Fish Out Of Water Spiritual Meaning

Dream of a Fish Out Of Water Spiritual Meaning

As we said above, the dream of a fish out of water represents our soul or our heart having difficulty finding its way out of the earth. Some people who have dreamt about being fish find themselves trapped inside a small cage and struggling to escape. 

Such dreams can be interpreted as struggling to find your true self; what you want to do in life. You are trying to solve the universe around you to understand it better–this is why the passing of time in a dream feels like forever. 

In spirituality, we believe time doesn’t pass in the universe. The only thing that passes are our emotions and experiences–especially if you’re going through a difficult period in life–it will give you a strong impression of how your life will be.

Common Dreams About Fish Out Of Water & Their Symbolism

Common Dreams About Fish Out Of Water & Their Symbolism

1) Dream of holding a fish out of water:

Dreaming of holding a fish out of water refers to the inner struggle of a person to find his way in life. It is an indication that one’s growth doesn’t follow the path everyone else believes is best for him. 

Such dreams can be interpreted as a person not wanting to be held back by others’ expectations and trying to break away from them. In this sense, holding a fish out of water can also signify fear.

2) Dream about big fish out of water:

If you dream that a big fish is swimming towards you in the water, it can indicate that some significant changes are coming for you. This dream could point to an opportunity such as a promotion or marriage. 

Or it could be a warning telling you to stay away from something dangerous. In addition, this dream can also represent loss, disease, or a scary situation.

Related:  What Does It Mean When You Dream About Bats? (Spiritual Meanings & Interpretations)

3) Dream about catching fish out of water:

A dream of catching fish out of water usually means that you will discover a blessing from your situation in the future. You may face something complicated, but it will eventually benefit you. 

Pay close attention to what you are engaged in now, and see if this dream came true.

4) Dream about saving fish out of water:

This dream can be interpreted in different ways. On the one hand, fishing is related to chasing after money and material benefits. In this case, saving a fish out of water can signify receiving a financial reward for your efforts. 

On the other hand, paying attention to others’ misfortunes and helping them on the road toward happiness is something everyone should do.

5) Dreaming of catching a big fish out of water:

To dream of catching a big fish out of the water means you should be more careful about your health. In particular, it refers to kidney problems or other parts of the urinary system. Moreover, it can also indicate that you will have a long and painful illness. 

This dream can be interpreted as an advertisement for your health problems. It is a good idea to take the proper and necessary medical care.

6) Dream of dead fish out of water:

Seeing a dead fish out of water or seeing people taking care of fish out of water can indicate that you should be more careful about your health. But that’s not it! 

You could become sick with something profound and should care for your health.

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7) Dream of fish jumping out of the water:

Dreaming about fish jumping out of the water can symbolize birth. In other words, it indicates that a baby will be born in your circle of friends or relatives. This fact can be interpreted as bad or good news depending on the situation. 

It is both joyful and sad. Sometimes, a new life may bring happiness to those around you, and sometimes it may mean that you will lose your close ones.

8) Dream about small fish out of water:

Having a dream about small fish out of water can signify that you should be more careful about your present situation. You may face difficulties and troubles, but it will eventually pay off. In addition, it can mean you will receive a favor from someone who doesn’t expect anything in return.

9) Dreaming of putting the fish back in the water:

When dreaming of putting the fish back in the water, some people interpret it as a reminder to stay away from drugs. However, this dream may point toward your health. 

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Right now, the best thing you can do is take care of your health issues and avoid all dangerous things.

Biblical Meaning of Fish Out of Water In Dream

Biblical Meaning of Fish Out of Water In Dream

In the Christian world, fish out of water in a dream refers to the temptation of Christ during the Last Supper. Jesus told his disciples about the final test, where they would become demonized, and asked them to eat the bread and drink the wine he had offered them. 

The disciples were shocked by what Jesus did, but Jesus told them that He is the good shepherd who has given up his life for His sheep and is willing to do whatever it takes for them.

Seeing Fish Out Of Water In Dream Islamic Meaning

Seeing Fish Out Of Water In Dream Islamic Meaning

In Islam, fish out of water in a dream is related to the story of Prophet Ibrahim. A great famine happened all over the land, and people died because they could not sustain themselves. 

God appeared to Ibrahim in a dream and asked him to sacrifice his son Ismail (or Ishmael) as a test of faith. Ibrahim was confused by God’s commandment but obeyed it and brought his son outside the house, ready to slaughter him as a sacrifice.

Summing Up!

As we have already mentioned, the existence of fish out of water in a dream indicates that some significant changes are coming for you. This dream might be a positive sign saying that you will achieve something unusual in your life or should take more care of your health. 

Fish out of water in a dream can be interpreted as good news or bad news. So, all the symbols and interpretations of dreams are subjective to each individual. We hope this article will help you find the correct answer to your dream.


1) What does a fish out of water symbolize?

A: A fish out of water symbolizes the soul, away from its element. It indicates our struggles in life and shows that everybody struggles to find a place to be happy, which is always within us.

2) Is it good or bad to see fish out of water in a dream?

A: It’s good to see a fish out of water. Lots of legends and myths are about encountering a fish out of the water, so it means that the dreamer has found an answer and has found their way in life.

3) What is the spiritual meaning of fish out of water in a dream?

A: The spiritual meaning of fish out of water is to be open-minded and to seek answers outside the norm. It also indicates that you have found your way in life.

4) What does it mean to dream of fish without water?

A: It means that the dreamer is trying to find ways to live independently, separate from his family.


Arouba Kabir Pathan
Arouba Kabir Pathan is a skilled writer and researcher who is deeply interested in how the human mind works. She has studied psychology and literature, which has helped her understand the complicated nature of the human mind and its influence on our dreams. With a master's degree in Clinical Psychology, she has explored the world of dreams and their symbolic meanings. Arouba's research and viewpoint aim to help us understand the important meaning of nightmares and what they can tell us about our psychological well-being.